Virtual SOS (Survivors of Suicide) Loss Group
Have you been impacted by suicide loss? You are welcome here. This is a support group where survivors support survivors. We walk together through the trauma and grief of losing someone to suicide. Shared lived experience can be an important part of the healing process. Come, connect, and chat with others walking through the wilderness of devastating loss. This is a virtual group open to any suicide loss survivor (any county, city, or state, or country) looking to connect with others survivors #survivorssupportingsurvivors
2nd Monday of each month | 6:30 pm (EST)
In-person Support Groups
Survivors of Suicide (SOS) Open Adult Support Group
Have you lost someone to suicide? Suicide loss can be complicated by the traumatic nature of the loss. The unanswered questions and overwhelming emotions can be difficult to manage. You don’t have to walk the journey alone. Come, connect, and chat with other suicide loss survivors.
Groups in Carroll, Tuscarawas, and Stark Counties
Navigating the New Open Adult Suicide Loss Support Group
This groups is designed for the newly bereaved trying to navigate their first two years after losing someone to suicide.
3rd Thursday of each month | 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Traumatic Loss Care (TLC) Open Adult Support Group
Have you lost someone unexpectedly? Examples are, but not limited to, losses due to homicide, suicide, overdose, accidents, natural disasters including the COVID19 pandemic, and other losses resulting from war and/or terror. Traumatic loss can come with overwhelming emotions related to the unanswered questions. What if? Why? You are not alone and encourage you to come, connect, and chat with other loss survivors wondering and walking a similar journey.
1st Monday of each month | 6:30 pm
To receive more information about our FREE Support Groups and Services please let us know by filling out this form:
Survivor Sacks
All new traumatic loss survivors who attend a Meet and Greet at The Hope and Healing Center will receive a free sack of education, resources, and self-care items to get them started on their healing journey.
The bag includes:
- Book on Grief and Traumatic Loss
- Folder of resources regarding self-care
- Group and Gathering schedule for LaL
- Community resources available for additional support
- Miscellaneous goodies and self-care items